Thursday, February 13, 2020

No School Year is Perfect; Focus on the Positives

No school year is perfect. There are always challenges.

As I think about this, I remember last year's challenge which is not a challenge at all this year. Yet, there are new challenges this year. There is never a year without challenges, and on the bright side, challenges are how we grow.

Now that we are past the half way mark of the school year, it is time to focus on the positives--the good that happens day in and day out in the classroom. Yes, we always strive for better, but we can't forget the good.

With that in mind, I'll use that strengths based mindset in the days ahead and focus on the good, good that includes the following:

  • so many children that day in and day out focus on their studies with care and attention
  • students that ask amazing questions to lead their learning
  • students who persevere even when challenges
  • students who create amazing art, stories, problem solving, and project work
  • students who get along and are kind to one another
  • colleagues who persevere day after day
  • dedicated colleagues who continually strive to do better
  • colleagues who are honest, caring, and creative with their work with children
  • an amazing curriculum program
  • adequate supplies
  • a good learning environment
  • a wonderful playground
  • multiple enriching special events
Focusing on the positive is always a promising direction to take. That's where I'm headed.