Monday, January 01, 2018

Don't Be Discouraged, Find Your Path and Move Positively in that Direction

There is a temptation to be discouraged in schools. The workload far exceeds the time. The needs far exceed the time. The expectations far exceed the time. The needed environmental supports, space, and schedules far exceed what exists.

As educators we see opportunity for betterment everywhere we look, and we similarly face limitations in all directions too. We can't be all or do all, and that's why it is so imperative to gain a strong constitution of who you will be and what you will do to teach well, serve students, colleagues, and families well, and develop your craft too.

I write about this again and again to ward off discouragement and energize my efforts. Some may think why doesn't she work more and write less, but the work, I find, requires this daily self-motivation, self-encouragement, and laying of the a strong path to good work. Without this daily reflection, it's difficult to do what sometimes seems like impossible work given the tight parameters and lack of support that exists.

Yet we all make our paths, and with the lively energy of children fueling our endeavor, we move ahead day after day with our commitments serving as beacons of our efforts. For me the beacons are teaching math well, teaching science well, fostering a love and ability to read, and supporting a strong, supportive learning community, a community made up of educators, assistants, students, family members, and some community members too. Further there's the work to support good educational decisions and efforts, work with the local union, state union, and state department of education. That work is equally important. Those are the mainstays--the initiatives that inspire the work I do, and areas of focus.

There is temptation to move in other directions during the school day, but those directions are not supported in ways that are important or valuable at this time, hence I will continue the priority path and move down that path with as much good practice and positivity possible.