Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Opposite Sides of the Street

Sometimes you and your friends may stand in opposition on issues that matter.

This opposition can actually sever friendships. It's happened to me in times past.

Now, however, for the most part, I'm fairly comfortable with disagreement. I don't know it all, but I do have strong opinions and beliefs with regard to many essential topics and questions.

Sometimes my good friends and I disagree. I try to convince my friends with regard to my perspective, and then they, in turn, try to convince me of there's. Sometimes I change my mind, and sometimes they change their mind. There are times when we agree to disagree too.

When we cull big decisions down to the essentials we can typically find common ground.

For example when it comes to teaching teams what matters is the students--how can we serve them best?

When it involves your family, it comes down to what you value as a family--what's most important?

When it involves the school community or greater community priorities such as safety, the mission, caring for one another, and more take priority.

While we often might not think we have much say or power to affect the places where we live and work, we actually do have the power to take one step at a time to do what we believe in and to contribute to betterment.

So yes, we'll stand across the street from one another on many issues, but if we can find that common ground we can take one step after another towards the common good.