Friday, November 11, 2016

The Angry Child

In the past I've taught the "angry child."

Over time I've learned to teach this child with greater strength and success.

What do I do?

First, I don't label the child, the "angry child," but instead make the time to talk with the child and find out who she or he is.

I find their passion points, questions, and pain.

Then I find ways to weave their passions and interests into the teaching and learning. I reference what they know and care about as we learn, and I demonstrate ways that they might find strength over anger.

For example, recently, a child was angry. He was tearing around the classroom.

I pulled him aside, and said, go outside and release some of that frustration, then we'll talk.

When we talked, I recognized that he was angry because something that he'd spoken up about had not been remedied or fixed. I took the blame and said, "You know, I feel like I'm to blame, because you spoke up, and we didn't solve the problem well. Let's try this."

We're trying the new solution. I checked in and it's working so far.

I said, "Ask and you shall receive," with a smile on my face. He smiled too.

When it comes to the "angry child," we have to get underneath that anger and work with the child to pave paths to greater peace and happiness. It's so much better than labeling or punishing, and it's essentially a path that creates greater peace and success for all.