Thursday, March 10, 2016

Making Time for What's Important

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by all there is to do, I took a new look at the calendar tonight. I rearranged a number of projects and focus areas to make time for important learning when it matters.

For example, I cleared the path from now until the PARCC tests to make sure that students are well prepared for the tests. I was able to move some project days and STEAM explorations to days and afternoons after PARCC. I also carved out considerable time for a grade-level science review, the biography project, fifth grade play, and a number of field studies. I feel a lot more relaxed after this reorganization because I now know that I have the time I need to prepare and teach each module well.

It's difficult at the start of the year to predict exactly how we'll use time best, but by stopping now and then, we can revise the schedule to make the time work in ways that matter. '

My teammates and I share similar goals for students so I think this new schedule will work well. It's also important to keep the schedule up-to-date and share that revision with the families, students, and colleagues too so that everyone is working together to make the learning strong and wonderful. Onward.