Monday, February 15, 2016

Refining the Learning/Teaching Path

Again and again, I refine the teaching/learning path. I mainly do this to eliminate the multiple distractions that stand in the way of the work I need to do.

Currently, the following elements take center stage:
  • Mathematical Mindsets by Jo Boaler
  • TLI Capstone Project, School Redesign Cohort, and Shared Teaching Presentation Proposals
  • In-House STEAM Explorations' material preparation, grant processing, field trip preparation, meetings, and execution.
  • Student Fraction Exploration, Study, and Understanding
  • ECET2 Massachusetts' Cohort Efforts
  • Student Problem Solving Exploration, Study, and Understanding.
  • PARCC Preparation and Study
  • Stearns Farm Education Outreach Plans and Efforts
  • Rivers Schools' Study and Efforts
  • Student "Learning to Learn" and Character Development Study and Elements
  • Contribution to Fifth Grade Biography Study and Work
Completing these efforts with careful attention and time will ensure that the work in the following years will be well grounded. These next few months are essentially months of digging in and doing the day-to-day work with strength. Summer will provide me with the time to think bigger with regard to future efforts and investment.