Wednesday, January 27, 2016

System's First Unconference

This afternoon the elementary level of our school system will host their first unconference. A number of educators have signed up to lead conversations about topics that they're interested in sharing with others.

Teachers.Do is an open source platform open to all educators
I signed up to lead two discussions. The first will be about the new educator open source share platform, Teachers.Do. Teachers.Do is beginning to engage a number of educators with open content share and online discussion. I really like the way the platform  is emerging and believe it can help teachers to access terrific resources and advice when needed. During the conversation, I'll begin with the question, "What do you want to know or share about Teachers.Do?" I'll introduce the platform if people are interested, and I'm hoping the conversation will grow to include discussion about our use of online platforms with regard to teaching well.

The second conversation I'll lead is one related to the intersection of visual literacy and math education? We'll begin with the question, "How do you think math education and visual literacy intersect to positively promote student engagement, empowerment, and learning success? I created a website to host initial information and will share the link during the meeting.

Image: Brian Kennedy's "What is Visual Literacy?" Presentation
Of course it's always a bit daunting to try something new. What if no one comes? What if the conversation falls flat? Yet, if I don't try this I won't know. On the other hand, there's a good possibility that I'll learn a lot and our collective teaching/learning team will grow tighter and stronger. I work with dedicated and bright educators. I'm looking forward to a conversation about open resources and research related to teaching well. I want to know what they think about Teachers.Do and why they might get involved or not. I also want to know about the ways they focus on visual literacy with regard to math education--how do they maximize the use of that powerful sense?  Time will tell.

Update: Note that Teachers.Do actually closed down a few days ago. With the growth of dynamic resource sites like PBS, it was determined that the Teacher.Do effort would be integrated into Teacher2Teacher instead. Teacher2Teacher is currently a live teacher share site.