Saturday, May 16, 2015

Designing a Program to Meet Children's Needs

Well designed curriculum is a gift you give to the children you teach.

Our grade-level team is looking at ways we can design the learning patterns and curriculum to best serve fifth graders next year. I've been thinking about all the components that lead to an engaged, empowered learning environment. That led me back to the presentation above and the elements below:

A Standards-Based Curriculum
Teach the grade level standards.

A Curriculum Program Based in Cognitive Research 
Reflect brain-friendly learning efforts and experiences.

Learning-to-Learn Mindsets and Behaviors
Integrate learning-to-learn mindsets and behaviors with knowledge, concept, and skill learning.

Manageable Learning/Teaching Expectations
Have manageable expectations and workloads for both students and teachers. When we do too much we run the risk of diluting the learning program which leads to surface teaching rather than deep, meaningful study.

Reflect Students' Interests and Passions
Respond to the passions and interests students bring to the program and embed their curious questions into the curriculum.

A Multi-Sensory, Blended Approach to Learning
Employ a blended, multi-sensory learning/teaching approach that weaves multiple approaches, resources, materials and pedagogy together to create a dynamic program.

Set Goals, Teach/Learn, Practice, Present, Assess, Review, Reflect, Revise
Employ a backwards design learning process that brings students from goal setting to presentation replicating the natural process of learning, a process they can apply to all study.

Collaboration and Team
Model and develop team skills and effort.

Happiness and Joy
When possible, make learning fun.

Creative, New Age Structure
Move outside of old fashion factory structure and create a new-age learning environment and schedule that replicates the world of learning students will experience and eventually lead.