Thursday, February 19, 2015


I like the way that Greg Richardson defines us as explorers in his post, "Working on the Same Job," today.

I am intrigued by the questions, he asks at the end of the post:

  • "What have you explored lately?"
  • "How will you explore what is possible today?"
  • "Where would you like to go next?"

I have the following thoughts with regard to my life/work:

What have you explored lately?
I am dedicated to the exploration of what it means to "teach well." I am also committed to learning more about a life lived with love. That defines my exploration.

How will you explore what is possible today?
Today I am wondering about the role a mother plays in her children's lives. I will think about that in terms of my own life and care for my children.

Where would you like to go next?
I want to go deeper with my work as teacher, mother, relative, friend, and community member. 

Greg's regular posts lead to thoughts and work that strengthen the work we can do in our personal and professional lives. Thanks Greg!