Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Creating Something of Value

When I opened my email this morning, I noticed the weekly list of local events.

This list use to be about ten separate lists, and it was difficult to navigate ten separate lists.

Then an individual combined the ten lists into one pleasing and easy to navigate template that is sent out once a week. The template provides adequate lead time and serves to alert and bring the community together for these wonderful events.

This individual created a valued communication routine and newsletter that strengthens community.

In the newsletter this week was the the announcement of a film premiere--a film that depicts the history and strength of the community. The film is the result of the creativity of many. They have created something of value, a film and presentation that will educate, inspire, and foster greater community.

These examples of value make me think about my own work and the work of my students. Do we create work that matters, work that has value?  If so, how do we measure that value, and if not, how can we alter our efforts so that our time and investment results in value. These are important questions to consider in this age of endless possibility and limited time and resources.