Saturday, February 08, 2014

Time to Talk

Yesterday, on the playground, I had the privilege to talk with a number of children.

Our conversation led from issues light to issues deep and exciting.

The conversation brought me back to my days as a child and all the dreams, ideas, stories, and thoughts that filled my mind.

Also, as we talked, I was reminded of how rich students' minds, insights, and connections are--speak that we often don't have time for in the classroom since the numbers are big, and patience for conversation varies amongst young children.

Similarly, yesterday during creativity time, students were expressive, at peace, and conversing with each other in meaningful ways in small groups.  The pressure to meet a standard or achieve a specific teacher-directed goal was lifted, and children happily worked together. Some were singing as they worked.

Our rushed life today has the potential to diminish time for talk and time for happy play and exploration. We have to be cognizant of this, and we have to look for ways to create balanced learning schedules and environments that leave time for the essence of childhood, the important playful talk and discovery that help children learn and grow with strength.