Posts and threads today make me realize that we're never there, and we actually don't know where we're going as our path is dependent on multiple unknowns. Hence, process matters. It's the way we walk the road. This is not new news, as we hear this through multiple readings across religion, philosophy, and literature.
So what is that just right balance of "eyes on the prize" and "walking the path with grace, care, and kindness." I think the key here is heart--keeping heart present in our walk and our goals matters. We must be impatient about change that will enliven humanity and make life better, but we can't be so impatient that we harm humanity on our way to the goal. There's important balance to consider--a balance that will differ from issue to issue, person to person.
As I nurture young children, I need to be cognizant of that balance. When is stopping to listen, hear, and act more important than pushing forward, and when is pushing forward more important. As many say, it's a dance, a conversation, a give-and-take, an artful choreography into your future.
Process matters as much or even more than the goal, yet the best walk considers both in artful, thoughtful, human ways.