I enjoy reading the definitions and explanations people provide when they talk about Twitter.
I usually say that Twitter is an idea stream or "your questions answered."
Today in the Boston Globe's Bibliophile there's an interview with the author Joyce Carol Oates. I really like the way she describes Twitter:
"Books: What else do you read?"
"Oates: I follow 30 people on Twitter, which makes for a kind of online magazine. Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times posts about 15 times a day. He'll have links to photographs and other sites. I also follow Daniel Mendelsohn, Andrew Sullivan, Margaret Atwood, and Steve Martin. In a way it's like going into a vast library where someone taps you on the shoulder and says, "You might like this article, which you'd never know about otherwise. I was reading a lot of articles in England's New Statesman. I would never seen them without Twitter. I'm interested in poetry, and some links will take me to poetry sites."
To me, Oates words give Twitter a literary affirmation. Would you agree?