Thursday, February 07, 2013

Streamline Systems for Best Effect

I'm a fan of streamlined systems--systems of support that are simple and targeted so that most of the time  in an organization can be spent on the team's mission and vision.

Afte we complete the big project we're in the midst of, and just before the February break, students and I will meet to discuss our current classroom systems--some which have room for improvement.

I'll ask what's working and what's not.  We'll make a list.  Then I'll ask for ideas for change and look for leaders to design and improve systems that aren't working--fourth grade systems such as bean bag chair list, iPad share and the recess bank (I put time in, and sometimes forget to take it out).

As schools and classrooms change, we continually have to re-look at the systems of support to revise and simplify so that the mission of teaching children well stays center stage in the work we do.