Friday, February 08, 2013

Why 24-7?

The reason why the best digital tools are tools that can be accessed 24-7 is not because we want students accessing single tools 24-7, instead 24-7 tools are best because they lead students to independent learning and learning leadership.

When teachers and administrators dictate tool use and in a sense try to "control" use, they miss the essence of a digital tool--a digital tool is made to be flexible, responsive and independent.  It is not made to fit into a tight structure.  Digital tools are created to essentially fill a modern day learner's tool box--something you can access when you want and how you want it to fulfill or respond to a need.

Also, by choosing tools that are 24-7 we naturally invite families, and students' peers and siblings, into the learning process.  If a child has the chance to access a great tool at home and in-school, the learning becomes seamless and holds greater potential for deep and meaningful learning.  Parent investment and exposure to the tool expands their digital experience and prompts questioning and analysis which leads to greater use of the tool for student learning.

Further, apt digital tools are able to respond to a students' learning style and learning level far better than the typical home study routines.  Digital tools usually provide a learning report too--data a teacher can access to better teach a child. This is an efficient learning avenue which leaves more teacher time for targeted learning design and student response.

24-7 tools are a bridge to the digital age for all learners and teachers--why would we limit that?