Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Developing Math Vocabulary: Frayer Model

On Monday, students made crossword puzzles to practice vocabulary. This morning they'll complete each others' crossword puzzles, and then in the afternoon they'll make a Frayer Model vocabulary Google presentation.

The teaching goal will be two-fold including the goal of learning unit vocabulary and the goal of better using the multiple tools available on Google Presentation to make meaning.  I'll emphasize that the quality of their slide(s) will impact the quality of their classmates' learning as this presentation will serve as a study guide and classroom resource related to our place value unit.

Specialists who help out at that time will focus on students' writing and math skills.

I'll explicitly introduce the activity by reviewing the slide depicted on this page. I'll explain why I used the graphic features I used, and then ask students if they have other ideas related to how I could have made my slide even better. Then I'll assign a blank slide number and word from students' unit vocabulary packets. I'll note that I shared the presentation template with all of them on their Google docs and they can start by logging into Google and getting started on their slide. And as always, they should not type on anyone else's slide as we have to respect each other's work when we work on collaborative docs. Finally, I'll remind the students to add their name to their slide.

The place value unit is serving as a unit that's allowing me to teach students a lot of study skills and activities--venues we'll choose and use throughout the year as they study.