Wednesday, June 17, 2020

The last few items on the school year list

We're at the end of the school year.

Most teachers like me manage their energy so that the last few weeks include a big push to complete signature projects and special events. We pushed and almost every student completed their biography projects, STEAM creations, math expectations and the fifth grade play. For the few that didn't finish one or two of the big items on the list, it was not for a lack of trying or support. Those students made good progress too. We are proud of all students' fine performance in all areas of the curriculum--they clearly learned a lot this year and we are leaving them with a large number of summer study choices to keep the learning going throughout the summer via those links and in their own creative and curious ways.

The final events of the year include the following:

  • Virtual Freedom Trail field trip led by colleagues
  • Gratitude Day: A day to learn about and write thank you notes
  • Virtual Field Trip to learn about local nature trails 
  • The fifth grade play, "The Show Must Go Online," premiere
  • Move-Up Day Greetings and Meetings
  • Final homeroom meetings
  • Fifth grade team finale and clap-out video
Almost all the planning is done for these events.

There's some paperwork to complete as well.

Then time for a summer reprieve, reflection, and study to power up for the 2020-2021 school year. We did it!