Friday, October 11, 2019

Growing programs and using time effectively

This afternoon I'll meet with an educational leader in our school system to discuss the topic of growing programs and using time effectively. The meeting was planned because I think there is room for using time and staffing better to uplift learning experiences in specific areas of the overall curriculum program.

As I think of this conversation, I am thinking of the following questions:
  • What does effective use of time look like? How do we assess that? 
  • How do we regularly update and develop learning programs in ways that matter--ways that engage students in meaningful study?
  • How do we communicate effective teaching and learning efforts so we all benefit from the good ideas, teaching, and learning happening in the system?
I want to understand the systematic outlook related to these questions, and then more specifically, I want to advocate for the following specific updates in our curriculum development process:
  • More pointed, holistic, and targeted use of data to move our programs ahead.
  • More pointed, holistic, and targeted use of research related to cognition, specific disciplines, cultural relevancy, and social-emotional learning to move our teaching/learning programs ahead.
  • Greater teacher leadership, autonomy, and decision making with regard to curriculum programs. 
Fortunately I highly regard the leaders I will meet with. He is a bright individual with a positive, modern outlook with regard to teaching and learning. He's the kind of leader who uses ambition to feed mission rather than working for ambition alone. This is good. I'm looking forward to the meeting.