Saturday, September 14, 2019

Rich Collegial Conversation

After reading Zaretta Hammond's book, Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain, I thought that a graffiti teamwork project would be just right. I did a little research and forwarded the project with my students. The project was a success. I then talked about the project with colleagues and everyone added something new to the project including more color, a helpful video, the chance for students to try it on their own first--all additions to the project that made it better. We discussed the videos and what worked well and what didn't work. Overall the lesson with its many iterations was a success and our good conversation improved the activity for each other.

When educators get together and discuss the work they do with and for students, it is a rich conversation, far richer than when people who rarely work with students instruct educators. Yes, there's lots to learn from experts, but in general, the more educators make time to develop the teaching/learning program together for their students, the better those programs will be for the children in the context in which teachers and students teach and learn.