Saturday, August 03, 2019

Many paths to travel. . . .

There are many paths to travel and all of us aim to find the best paths for who we are and what we want to do. Our paths are affected by so many people and circumstances that it's difficult to know where we'll actually travel, so rather than focus on the destination, it's best to decide how you want to travel--what's important to you.

Lending yourself and others positivity as you travel is essential.

Being truthful about your journey is also critical. We all bring with us strengths and challenges and as much as possible we need to maximize those strengths and mitigate the challenges.

There will be times when we have a lot to give and times when we need to ask for support too.

There will be times when we will need to sacrifice some aspects of what we desire to achieve others.

We need to stop to appreciate and celebrate the special moments along the way.