Sunday, June 09, 2019

Recalibrating Relationships

Everyone can think of a time when a relationship began to sour. I remember that just after my wedding, there was a difficult spot with some friends. The same thing happened during a roommate switch after college, and again with a shift at work. Relationships change over time and some of those changes are challenging.

When a relationship of any kind hits a sour note, it's time for recalibration.

For example, there's been a relationship in midst, and we've been trying to fix it with the same old same old rather than recalibrating and thinking differently about what needs to happen. This is a rather formal relationship with the professional sphere. To remake this relationship it is important to understand the following:
  • individual and mutual goals
  • how we want to work together
  • requirements and expectations
I have a sense that this relationship is sour because we've never had the big talk about what's important and what we're working for. My sense is that for one of us it might be about checking off the boxes and for the other it might be about something bigger and deeper, but I'm not sure as we haven't had that conversation.

Recalibrating relationships needs to happen all the time. This activity is important as your children move into new stages, when you move out of your childhood home, and as you embark on new interests and needs.

Next time a relationship begins to sour, I'll think about how we might work at recalibrating that relationship for mutual benefit and interest. That will be positive.