After lots of thought, the final conclusion includes the following:
- Ask for the why: the rationale
- Express the rationale why you believe particular structures, schedules, and roles are ineffective and work for positive change in respectful ways
- Understand that nothing is perfect and there will be continual challenges to what you believe is effective work--there's always more to learn and more to better
Every time this happens, it takes so much time to drill down to the essence of the issue, the frustration, the lost potential. Just think, if people were willing to work with me rather than continually dictate my work, the potential for growth would be so much greater, more positive, and effective. Now that the issue is behind me, what are the next steps in the teaching/learning path? Where am I headed right now:
Professional Learning
- Participate in the Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain Slow Chat on Twitter beginning Sunday
- Complete other summer study efforts
- Follow up with River Studies and Climate Change Project and plan for next year
- Engage in planning meetings for next year
- Introduce and lead Global Cardboard Challenge efforts
- Support changing bodies program
- Present climate change project video
- Support Field Day
- Move-Up Day Presentation
- Middle School transition summer study intro for students