Wednesday, May 08, 2019

Day by Day: Doing the Good Work Possible

At the end of the school year, teaching takes on a day by day focus since every day is filled with something special. It's good to stay goal focused at this time of year. These goals are moving me forward.

MCAS Positivity
Simply standing at the front of the room and being present helps students to be calm and do their best on these tests. We've got three more to go, and I'll be there to lend my support as I follow the rules and proctor as directed. Our MCAS coordinator has done an exceptional job this year making the test administration less stressful and more supportive.

STEAM Support
We've mostly completed two STEAM projects and will work on the third in the next few days. This year we placed all three projects under the outdoor survival theme which I believe has worked well to synthesize the projects. I'd like to extend that theme more next year by connecting it more to a writing component and reading component. I also want to use the directed project work we've been using and add more design/engineering efforts too. I'll ask the students to reflect on these projects when we complete them and use their ideas to help build the project for next year. Over the summer when I meet with colleagues, we'll also work together to think about how to grow this effort.

Global Cardboard Challenge
We're ending the year with this big and engaging project. The goal here will be to inspire students' creativity using the design process.

Global Changemakers Project
There's lots of reading, research, and writing to do in order to get every child to completion of a terrific project. This project calls forth the best of us as teachers and students.

Symphony Math Benchmark and other tech venues
We'll continue to develop students' traditional math foundations by helping them to access and complete identified online math programs.

Field Studies
We've got a couple of great field studies coming up that we need to review and finalize. These studies will build students' science and social studies knowledge and experiences.

Science Recess
If time permits, I'll engage students in some fun outdoor science activities at recess.

Students' stamina overall has been great during this challenging test period. I keep telling them that they like to do best, and when they give these tests their best, they'll feel a lot better when they see their scores. Onward.