At this time of year it's time to update the teaching/learning environment by doing the following:
- creating inside/outside planting stations
- review the book collection and moving it to a space away from the planting station
- buying and/or finding some chairs for the outdoor classroom area.
- organizing testing space for state tests and taking down posters and other materials not allowed during tests
- collecting recyclables for upcoming STEAM projects and global cardboard challenge
- recycling or putting away materials no longer needed for the final leg of the school year.
Each new leg of the year begins with both excitement and trepidation. Excitement related to the new learning to come, and trepidation with the question, "Will we have the time and capacity we need to teach and learn the new material well?"
Room re-design is a part of the teaching/learning menu--one that helps to foster a welcoming, supportive, and engaging environment for both learning and teaching.