Friday, March 08, 2019

Teaching Well: Managing Your Career

I think it's easy for educators to lose track of their career because they are so busy minute-to-minute and day-to-day, but it's essential that we look out for our professional and financial welfare too. What do we need to do in that regard?

Retirement Savings
Thanks to a veteran colleague years ago, I began putting away a few dollars each paycheck into a 403B account. Every educator should do this. It's worth the time to find out about it, invest what you can, and be more ready for your later years and the financial needs those years bring.

Salary Increase
Most educational organizations offer incentives for salary increases. These incentives are typically based on professional learning and credits. I recommend that every educator figure out a plan to get as high on the pay scale as fast as they can--it's best to direct your professional learning time and dollars into the direction of ways where you can make the most money. Making a ten-year or twenty-year plan is a good idea.

Taking Advantage of Financial and Other Supports for Professional Learning
There are many, many ways that educators can receive funding and other supports for professional learning. Most systems provide some financial support for professional learning. It's important to learn about that and take advantage of course reimbursement funds and other financial supports for coursework and study. There are also countless free or low cost professional learning courses available via school systems, state departments of education, local/state/national unions, professional organizations and more. There are also countless grants available to educators to support professional learning and endeavor. It's worth the time to research these opportunities and take advantage of them.

Resumes and Portfolios
It's advantageous to give your resume and professional portfolio regular attention because then it's ready for times when opportunity arises for a good grant or professional opportunity. This also serves you well at evaluation times as your evidence will be close at hand.

Voice, Choice, and Leadership
It's important to find good ways to lead your professional efforts by using your voice, making choices, and leading in ways that positively affect the work you do.

Professional Licensure
It's critical to stay on top of professional licensure expectations and stay ahead of those expectations.

Professional Development
Not long ago I heard a young educator say that he applies for new jobs often just to test the waters and experience interviews. I think this is a good practice in today's world--a world where people change jobs often. I also believe it's critical that you regard your colleagues as your future sources of references--they will be the ones to refer you to new opportunities, write your recommendations, and support your growth.

What else would you add to this list?