Friday, January 04, 2019

Bad Character: Fooled

We are all fooled sometimes by shysters with bad character and ill-directed aim and effort. We think a person brings the answer we're looking for, the truth we hope for, and the future we desire. We align ourselves with them, support them, and stick up for them only to find out we've been fooled. It happens, and when it happens we have to retrace our steps, see where the trickery happened, and make decisions about how we'll move forward with or without that person in our lives.

We can be fooled in families, romance, neighborhoods, at work, in politics, and almost anywhere. Fortunately episodes like this typically don't occur often, and for some, they may never experience this kind of trickery.

I don't fault people who are led astray by shysters, crooks, fools, and cheaters. I know it happens. The biggest problem occurs if you don't learn from those mistakes and you continue to follow the fool just to save your pride, that's when the real danger occurs.