Monday, December 03, 2018

We Can Do This Better

There are always areas of school life that we can do better. Some of those areas are in our control and some are not.

When you have voice, choice, and leadership in areas of teaching and learning, you can impact change with other stakeholders, but sometimes there are areas of school life where you have little say or impact, yet you see room for change.

At school now there are many areas where I can make change--I'm working towards that positive change on my own and with others. It's change based on research, observation, and new knowledge and opportunity. This is positive.

There are a couple of areas where I see tremendous opportunity for change and improvement, yet I have little to no voice or impact in those areas. I've spoken up about these potential changes with little impact. What's a teacher to do?

For now, I'll step back and observe. I'll watch how those areas of school life work. Who makes the decisions and what do they do. I'll think about whether it's worth speaking up again or decide if, in these areas, my voice isn't that important. Time will tell. In the meantime, I've got lots to attend to as it is.