Monday, December 03, 2018

Politics, Culture, and Country

Of course I continue to think about our nation's political place. Who's in charge? What are they doing? How can I contribute in ways that make a difference?

Right now I'm watching the Netflix series about Donald Trump's life. I find it to be thought provoking as it takes me through time and place with respect to the many people, jobs, and decisions Trump has made over time. This series timeline finds me reflecting on where I was during each decade of Trump's life as a business person and politician. it also makes me think about his decision-making process and priorities versus my own and others that I know well.

While I almost never agree with the way Trump carries on as President or citizen, I find the story intriguing from a psychological point of view--why is he the man that he is and why does he make the decisions he makes?

Throughout this series and as I read the news, I also find myself looking out there for present day mentors, people who truly have the best interests of our country and world in mind, people who believe we can do better as a people when it comes to elevating public education, protecting our natural resources, treating our diverse people with respect, dignity, and equity, and creatively leading our country for this new tech age of tremendous interdependence and complex problems that must be solved together in order to gain the best solutions.

I know that Trump's back-vision as I think of it is not a right vision for today's world. In my opinion, he sees the world with a narrow perspective of winning for some rather than winning for all. I believe that we can work with the others to create, promote, and support policies that are humane, life enriching, and good for most if not all people rather than narrowly looking at the world with the focus of opportunity for some over others. I think we have to use a modern perspective as we move ahead and not think about betterment as a return to a past that no longer exists. Our world is continually evolving and we have to use the best of the old with the best of the new to navigate new paths. Leaders who are thinking this way are leaders I want to listen to, support, and follow.

I want to do my part too. First, in my own career, I want to continually get better and walk the walk I talk about for others. I want to promote inclusive, respectful teaching/learning programming that works to elevate opportunity, belonging, and development for each and every child. I know that to do that well I need to work well with my colleagues and be open minded to the many new ideas and perspectives they bring to the table. I also want to support and promote honest, positive collaboration and program development. I don't want us to be afraid to acknowledge those areas where we can become better and stronger as educators, parents, and community members but instead I want us to courageously and honestly move forward to do better in any realm where that is needed.

I hold that there is limitless potential to do better with care and respect and to follow paths of betterment demands courage, creativity, collaboration, and investment--if we're focused on doing what's good and right with an open mind and a will to follow and work with good leaders, we'll do well in this world. Onward.