Wednesday, October 17, 2018

To Learn Well Requires Practice

My student learning goal this year centers on practice. The goal is to make sure that every child in the fifth grade completes a fair amount of math practice each week. While it may sound like an easy goal, it is not since the goal faces the following challenges:
  • some children do not complete the assigned practice
  • I have to create practice exercises with and for children that truly help them to learn with problems, projects, and exercises that match students' needs, ability, and accessibility
  • I have to reach out and work with families, particularly families of students who don't practice regularly and families of children who struggle for one reason or another
  • I need to make time during the school day to talk with students about their practice and how I can help them to practice more.
  • I need to make time to review students' efforts and then use what I learn from that review to inform the teaching/learning program and efforts in meaningful, useful ways
So where do I stand with this goal. Last week, a fairly uninterrupted week resulted in 100% of students meeting a reasonable practice goal. This week I'm facing a bit more struggle with that since I haven't had the time to catch up with students as much due to a number of special events and situations and the fact that I'll be out one day. Consistency truly helps the practice goal. 

The good news is that I'm really getting to know my learners well via review of their practice, discussions about their work, and creation of responsive and meaningful practice exercises that meets students where they are and leads them a bit forward--just right practice. 

I believe that students are noticing the effect of practice too. They are understanding more what it means to be a learner who is reaching for mastery with specific skills, concept, and knowledge. 

I really like his goal because it is directing me to where I want to be which is serving all students as well as I can and helping every child move along in positive, promising ways. I've got some more work to do, however, to meet this goal in a way that's meaningful and successful for all. Next week I'll have a few meetings with students who are missing some practice to find out how I can help more. I'll also slow down the teaching/learning a bit to make more time to support student practice needs, routines, and information--that will help too. Onward.