There was one that was lost.
Everywhere he looked, he tried to fit in, be accepted, and do what he thought was right.
He never stopped to consider the big picture.
Skittish he aimed to please, while never truly pleasing.
What was wrong, he wondered.
Then he learned that it wasn't about pleasing others, but instead about being who he was.
Sharing his gifts.
Being true to his abilities, vision, strengths.
When recognizing this, he was able to let go of his need to be accepted, and instead sought the company of like-minded people to grow himself with strength, love, and care.
Upon this acceptance of his unique talents and abilities
He found that he gained greater acceptance from others too.
His skills and talents were sought after,
And his contribution valued.
Why did he try to be something and someone he wasn't for so long?
Why couldn't he accept his shortcomings, and shore up his strengths instead?
Why did it take him so long to accept himself?
Why was he hiding in the bodies and minds of others instead?
In time, he might understand that, but for now, he was happy to be himself
And enjoy life as he never had before.