Monday, July 16, 2018

Everyone Has To Do Their Part: Support Our Democracy

I do think Trump's election to the United States Presidency demonstrated that many Americans were asleep at the wheel when it came to our democracy. People were going along with their busy daily routines content with sound-bite news and causal commentary secure that our country would move along as it has for many years with general respect for all and continued forward movement to make things better. Then Trump won and woke us all up.

Now I know there are some that are a bit resentful of this wake-up analogy, particularly some who have been fighting for a better America for good reason for a long, long time without the kind of change that's possible--good change that truly uplifts lives. Living through Trump times has awakened my empathy for so many who have been advocating with deep commitment and care for so long against racism, inequity, lack of support, prejudice against women and more. There have been so many Americans over time who have worked tirelessly to make good change in our country, and while that change was not easy to make, that work did uplift the lives of so many in ways that matter. For myself laws that led to wage equity for men and women, equity with sports funding and activities, special education services for children who need them, and protecting and saving natural lands and resources have dramatically and positively affected my life.

What's most challenging about Trump is that he apparently doesn't care about our American ideal to make things better and uplift lives for all. His efforts appear to demean everyday people and people who disagree with him while supporting his own personal wealth, power, and ego. He does what he wants and doesn't listen to anyone else, and he tosses decades of good diplomatic policies and efforts aside to collaborate with whomever he wants to collaborate with with no care for what other political leaders believe. Further he decries our long held institutions including the justice department and on the world stage demeans our country. The only ideals he stands for that I support are improving the infrastructure of the country, yet he doesn't want to do it the way I would do it which is with modern technology and new ideas, environmentally-friendly infrastructure improvement.

You could work around the clock to research and work against the Trump presidency, but we have families to care for, work to do, and other pursuits to focus on. That's why everyone has to carve aside some time to join groups that will work for positive change in our country. I hope that when Trump is gone, we can say that he was an overcorrection, a President that demonstrated how not to do the job and how not to think or talk about our country--he was a President that woke us up from too much complacency and helped us to realize that we could not let a dangerous and destructive individual like Trump lead our country again. I also hope that it will foster our need to update the laws that support the integration of the three branches of government so no branch has too much power. In my opinion we have to lessen the individual power of the Presidency at this time as Trump has demonstrated that individual power with a self serving, uncaring, and potentially criminal President can ruin our country. I don't think anyone suspected we would have such a President--a man who cares little about our American ideals and future.

So what will your part be? What will you do? How many hours a week will you contribute to your responsibility as a citizen, and what does this matter? Everyone has to do their part--democracy costs time and attention, it's not a government you sustain for free.