Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Focus In: Fifth Grade Play, Math Tech, and Biography Projects

I like a targeted focus and that's what we have right now at fifth grade. The big standardized tests both state-wide and system-wide are complete, and now we can really focus in our coaching our students forward with the biography project, the fifth grade play, and a few math tech goals. It will take some good team effort to help everyone sing the play songs, say the play lines, act in character for the play, complete biography notes, questions, and drafts, finish biography portraits and tech mini posters/time lines and meet the math tech goals--we'll all be coaching one another.

The room is more organized after a couple days of clean-up, and now it's time to order the new furniture. It's also time to start planning our river day study and hikes.

I like this "summer camp" time of year--a time when we are involved in all kinds of great projects. The big focus now is sensitive coaching and care as we work together to meet these expectations.