Snow days, illnesses, and unexpected events have created a situation where I have to rethink the teaching/learning schedule. We simply have not had the regular routine we're used to. Though winter always presents weather events and greater illness, the timing and depth of the storms and illnesses have been greater this year.
That in addition to increased numbers of students and needs has created a challenge with meeting the standards, but not a challenge we're giving up on. Fortunately thanks to our online programs and grade level website we've been able to keep families and students abreast of expectations and learning opportunities. Also we'll shift some learning events to the post MCAS season so that we have time now to cover all the standards students are required to know for MCAS tests in late April and May.
Our year ahead essentially looks like this:
March - April: Heavy focus on the standards
May: MCAS Tests, Fifth Grade Play, Global Change Makers Project
June: Global Change Makers Project/Presentation, Global Cardboard Challenge, Environmental Education and Celebrations