Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Thanks for Pitching In

The administrator listened to the educator who noted that more help was needed to meet the expectations set. She/he carefully evaluated the situation, and replied, "We can do this." With careful analysis, more support was added to the rosters to help out with a group of students who proved to have more needs than expected. After the event, those who don't typically work with children remarked that making the time to teach actually brought them closer to the needs of students, educators, and schools, and while it helped the educators and students, the support served to inform their perspectives too about what students, educators, and schools need. That resulted in better policy and decision making.

I say it often, but when too many administrators are too distanced from the day-to-day events in school, there is the chance that there will be a mismatch with policy and the needs they aim to fill. It's important to know what's going on at the front line of teaching and learning when it comes to making good decisions for schools.