Friday, February 02, 2018

Keepers: Optimal Framework for Teaching/Learning

As I think of my career path this morning, I am thinking about what I consider the "keepers" which are the professional activities that promote positive teaching/learning. For now, the list includes the following:

Weekly Newsletter
Though not every parent or educator reads this, it's our chance as the teaching team to relay what we've done, are doing now, and will do. It's also a place to invite stakeholder voice about upcoming events, and to celebrate the teaching/learning team wins.

This is basically the virtual classroom that contains all the pertinent information related to the fifth grade program.

Online Learning Sites
We use a number of terrific online learning sites which help us to personalize and differentiate the curriculum, and meet curriculum expectations.

Welcoming, Culturally Proficient, Inclusive Learning Environment
We work hard to create an environment where students feel welcome. Of course there's always room for growth in this area, but we continually work together to make this happen.

Multimodal, Differentiated, Student-Centered Learning Program
We continually revisit the standards and then use those standards to design relevant, meaningful, student-friendly, successful learning programs.

Special Events and Field Studies
We spend considerable time planning field studies and special events that enrich the teaching/learning program for all students. This involves writing grants to obtain the funds to support some of these programs.

Modern Learning
Our team continually invests in professional learning and collaboration inside and outside of the school community to ensure that the teaching/learning we do is modern and research/evidence based.

We continually collaborate and develop the ways we collaborate via multiple venues including our team meetings, PLCs, student service meetings, and impromptu meetings as needed.

Shared Teaching Model
As I have mentioned multiple times, the shared teaching model I teach in which includes three classroom teachers plus multiple other specialists, therapists, and assistants is a terrific way to teach well. We are able to develop and model collaboration and leadership for our students and work together to create and teach a wonderful program.

Regular Formal and Informal Assessment, Analysis, and Revision
And a well formatted data chart to track data for analysis and decision making.

Two Parent Meetings, Two Progress Reports each year, Showcase Portfolios, Stats Sheets
These are all important pieces with regard to the home-school collaboration and support.

Special School-Wide Celebratory Events
These are great points in the year that create community and build friendships. This is when everyone has a lot of fun together.

Regular All School Assembly
This builds the greater community in the school on a regular basis.

Service Learning and Project/Problem Based Learning
Wonderful hands-on service learning and project/problem based learning project when well designed and carried out are engaging, relevant, meaningful, and memorable.

As I focus in on the teaching and learning, I don't want to lose sight of these successful elements, elements I want to continue supporting and developing as I work to teach students well.