As I think big today about our country and world, I want to remind myself of the good that I can do within my own teaching/learning realm. What can I do to better teach and promote good learning/teaching in my own educational sphere.
Social Media/Research Education
As a school system we need to support apt education related to social medial and research education. Our school system and state is on a good path in this regard, a path that our whole system will discuss, in part, in the days ahead. Students need to be skilled curators and vetters of the social media and technology they use.
Three-Dimensional/Creative Tech
We need to continue to move from flat "workbook on the page" tech to more creative technology. We have to include three-dimensional platforms like Minecraft and SCRATCH from students' earliest days, and we have to include this kind of tech in our school programs. We need to elevate our tech use and platforms so students know how to use the tech strategically earlier than later.
Collaboration and Project/Problem Based Learning
We need to continue to build our efforts to increase collaboration wth meaningful, relevant, and worthy project/problem based learning.
Active Citizens
I would like to see educators across the state forward the opportunity for every student in the state to take a government course in their junior year, a course that results in junior year students' opportunity to register to vote and vote before they reach 18.
Bridging the Opportunity Gap
I know that there's more we can do to bridge the opportunity gap and I believe that if we add good, inclusive process to this question, we will improve what we are already doing. I believe that better orientation programs, access to technology, parent/family efforts, reimagining courses, and greater social/emotional supports are ways that we can do this. We are on a good path, but we can definitely do more and better.
Green Schools
Again, a good path has been started, but there is more that we can all do in this regard.
Working with the Community
There are strong ties and I believe we can continue to strengthen these ties too through our project/problem based learning and other opportunities for outreach.
I will think more about this list in the days to come. Let me know if you have anything to add.