Sunday, January 07, 2018

The Week Ahead: January 8, 2018

Last week was a very short school week due to New Year's Day and two snow days. Nevertheless we got the students back on track, and the week ahead will be a positive week of study that includes the these focus areas:

School Assembly
We'll begin the week with an all-school assembly that will focus everyone's energy on efforts that impact all of us.

Chorus Concert
Our school chorus will entertain us with their amazing singing. Every year this is an event I truly look forward to thanks to the leadership of our amazing chorus director and music teacher.

Science Study
Students will continue their wonderful science study with a number of hands-on learning experiences.

Math Study
During math we'll focus on updating our daily/weekly learning routines  as well as a content focus on facts and divisibility rules as we warm-up for the division unit ahead.

The room renovations (a bit of reorganization) are complete, and we'll spend some time shoring up the daily/weekly routine as a reliable routine allows us more time for the deep study and good learning possible.

Homework Club/Extra Help
There will be some time every morning for students who desire some homework help or who just want to come in for an early start to the day to learn and engage with other aspects of the learning they are doing.

Professional Learning/Collaboration
There will be a bit of shift with these expectations due to last week's snow days, although I expect that this area will include a meeting about students' reading program, a grade-level meeting, and student service meetings. The study focus this week will be to focus in on refining the professional/teaching routine and efforts in order to update and increase the capacity of the typical weekly teaching/learning routine.