Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Impact and Priorities

How do you measure impact?

How do you share impact measurements?

How do you use those measurements to establish priorities?

I truly look forward to thoughtful, transparent, and clear efforts to impact learning with strength. I enjoy analyzing the measurements we use to determine impact, and I believe in the strength of prioritizing our efforts in ways that are transparent and clear for all stakeholders.

As I think about this, I'm thinking about what is valued where I teach.

The MCAS scores are valued so that's a main focus of the teaching/learning.

Student engagement, happiness, and empowerment are valued too--so it's essential to teach in ways that inspire students and in ways that students enjoy.

Collaboration, collegiality, respect, and kindness are valued too--this is a clear priority in the teaching community with regard to evaluations and recognition.

I would say those are the three main, resounding priorities in the community as a whole.

At my team level, we also prioritize regular communication, servant leadership, lead time/planning, collaboration with families and students, and curriculum personalization, depth, and connection.

I'm sure I've missed some overall priorities as well as team priorities, but as I think about this, I am thinking about the way we use time and impact we make. I'm thinking also about how we might more clearly identify our priorities and impact individually and as a whole team, school, system, and town.