Thursday, November 02, 2017

November 2017 Reset

Our team has planned a number of special events in the weeks and months to come, good events that will elevate students' education. We have a fairly good schedule, and the curriculum expectations are clear. I think a lot of the leg work is complete, and now it's time to fill in the missing pieces and move on.

What takes precedence?

Math and Math RTI
Plans are made, time to teach.

Reading RTI
A couple of unexpected weather days have put us behind, so we'll resume on Monday

Open Circle
We're back in business with this SEL focused effort next Wednesday.

Field Studies and Expert Visitors
We've got to forward all kinds of forms to complete the planning for the upcoming events.

Science Prep, Planning, and Teaching
Hopefully I'll get a day soon to do all the prep and planning to forward this curriculum.

That's the latest shortlist. Onward.