Friday, September 01, 2017


I didn't expect the school year to start with so many issues right away. I expected a smooth start, but I did know there would be surprises and a need for flexibility. With this in mind, it's time to chart the course ahead as I'm hoping for a wonderful year.

Maximize Opportunity
While I'm a bit saddened by some new dictates, I recognize that it's important to maximize the opportunities for good teaching and learning that exist, and to maximize those opportunities with a joyful outlook.

Advocate for Better
I will continue to advocate for better, and continue to reach out to discover ways of more successful, timely, and beneficial advocacy.

Focus on the Classroom and Team
We have an amazing team and I have an amazing classroom. As much as possible, that's my primary professional focus.

Prepare for a Healthy, Happy Year
Do the leg work necessary to prepare for a happy, healthy year.
