Thursday, September 21, 2017

Classroom Details 2017-2018

The class takes shape as students demonstrate their preferences related to all kinds of teaching/learning events.

Read Aloud
Our read aloud space keeps morphing and changing as I notice what students need. Many in this class likes to draw as they listen, and I understand that as that's what I like to do too. Drawing while listening helps me to pay attention, relax, and understand the story. Some prefer to relax n the comfy chairs too. The comfy chairs almost hug the children, thus relaxing them. Others spread out on the floor or sit on hoki schools. We've had some good discussions as we read the Young Merlin Trilogy by Jane Yolen--a trilogy that lends itself to good book talk.

Morning Routine
We have extended time for morning routine this year which is good. We're working to make this as independent time as possible giving students control over the start of their day. This is a time to catch up with individuals and answer questions too. The morning routine typically includes signing in, choosing lunch, and following the morning work menu which varies from day to day.

Students all have bags of math supplies, and we've started the math year with a variety of online and offline activities. So far, it has been a positive start.

STEAM started with enjoyable team activities, and now leading into our first project: the solar oven project.

Science and STEAM overlap, and this year we have new FOSS kits to support specific science teaching. I'll soon read all about the kit, and develop the hands-on activities to meet student interest, standards, and academic need.

Students have great recesses on our big playground. I want to buy more recess toys since we can use more. Students enjoy their many specials including tech lab, library, art, music, instrumental, and physical education.

Field Trips/Expert Visitors
We have a great menu planned, and now it's time to complete all the details related to this.

Cultural Proficiency/Orientation
We continue to do research in this area, and plan related events. Early year get-to-know each other activities such as selfie collages, birthday cake pictograph, math number, and upcoming culture flags have all fostered conversation about who we are, what we enjoy, and what we dream of. These conversations and activities have fostered positive class culture.

Class Meetings
We have regular class meetings to discuss student/teacher needs, interests, and current/future efforts. These meetings tie the team together in positive ways.

We've yet to start our buddy routine, and will do that soon.

Star Classroom
Our school has a star classroom effort, and our class has started collecting their stars.

The agenda is full and well-planned, now it's time to stay the course.