Friday, August 04, 2017

Planning the Classroom Set-Up

Each year the classroom set-up varies a bit.

This year the room will be set up much like last year with the following spaces:

Cozy Corner
A place with a rung and comfy chairs for reading, collaborating, building.

STEAM Center
Lots of draws filled with all kinds of building materials.

Teacher's Coaching Corner
A table, drawers, and space for the teacher to work with students.

For creating, writing, learning, listening. . . .

Presentation Space
Document camera, screen, tables

Math Drawers and Supplies
Draws and containers for all kinds of wonderful math learning supplies and student tools/work.

Inspiring posters and signs to lead our collective and individual study, camaraderie.

Student Assessment Notebook
A beautiful notebook to record anecdotal information about student learning, needs and interests.

Portfolio Book Shelves and Crates
A place to store portfolios and related paperwork for portfolios.

Chromebook Cart
A place to store the chromebooks.