Saturday, August 12, 2017

Considering the Big Picture: Where Will You Devote Your Time and Energy?

The big picture of possibility and obligation may be overwhelming at times, but it's worth making a bit of time to consider what that picture looks like and where you fit in.

As I look at the big picture, I am most moved by our country's direction, school responsibility, family, and a few personal areas of interest too.

Trump times are troubling times for me. So much of what our President does and supports is in contrast to what I believe in and support. I could choose to sit back and not act, but I am not satisfied with that since I believe that good effort and change depends on personal and collection action and effort. Can we sit back when their are prejudicial marches, remarks, and policies. Not at all. So I'll continue to write about this, and find ways to get active for what I believe in most which is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for every American and every person in the world.

Thing Globally, Act Locally
Our city is electing a new mayor. I want to get involved in this to support what I believe in. The city I live in has the potential to be a model of good living for a diverse population. I want to support a candidate who shares this vision.

Environmental Care and Protection
I value the world's wonderful natural resources, and want to contribute to protecting those resources including human resources. I'm so concerned with the President's lack of concern about the natural world. He doesn't appear to value our natural resources, and demonstrates little activity in the natural lands beyond golf courses. Locally, I can support this movement by teaching students about it, advocating and supporting local environmental protection activity, and utilizing good environmental practice at home and at school.

I've clearly outline those goals which are centered on positive, student-centered leadership and teaching.

Continue to foster and support strong family values, support, and care for one another.

A positive routine will help me reach those goals.

While some of the world's problems seem overwhelming, the best I can do is do my part and connect with others to forward the greater good in ways that matter. Onward.