Thursday, June 29, 2017

Woman to Woman

Women sat in a room.

One felt the discussion was biased and condescending, and another found it supportive and heartfelt.

How could two women with similar positions and lives hear words so differently.

There were differences.

One women was well educated in a traditional sense, and the other was not.

One women was younger and the other older.

The two grew up in very different geographic areas and had differing degrees of family support.

One was less established than the other.

As I look into the cybersphere and so many women and men that I've followed over the years, the men tend to hold court and succeed with more endeavors while the women seem to stay quieter and less visible--why?

I'm sure many have done lots of research on woman-to-woman efforts, differences, and camaraderie.

I want to read more to understand this better.