Today I'm attending the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Teachers Advisory Cabinet (TAC) meeting. I look forward to these meetings because they are well organized and purposeful.
First, the meeting is always preceded by an agenda and helpful notes to ready your for the meeting. Further you know who is going to be in attendance. Context is set which prepares you well to do the good work possible.
I'm grateful to be apart of this group, and I'm happy that I'm able to contribute ideas and perspective from the classroom, school, and system level while also learning about valuable information, contacts, and events that I can relay to colleagues in the school system where I work and who are apart of my more extensive professional learning network (PLN).
I continue to be a fan of the work our state does to promote quality education, and I think it's great that they reach out to education professionals at all levels and places in inclusive, transparent, and welcoming ways with regard to this good work.