First, it's important to know the box parameters which include the following:
- about 4 weeks time
- two period-long assessment
- about 18 teaching hours
- about 10 teaching objectives
Next, the question: How can you creatively and responsively teach with the parameters in mind?
- Assess to see who has already mastered the goals.
- Teach the goals not mastered in differentiated and scaffolded ways
- Assess upon mastery
- Enrich with additional time
- Use creative, meaningful, collaborative project based learning for the enrichment phase
And, what does that timeline look like?
- Testing today
- Plan the mastery/enrichment path
- Embed the path into the teaching/learning program
As I think through this issue, I'm thinking about how the new expectations could have evolved, it could have been something like this:
- A: We want you to meet these parameters.
- M: Feels like a box.
- A: How can you meet the parameters and still have the freedom to teach creatively and responsively?
- M: I can't imagine a way.
- A: Let's start with identifying the parameters--here's what you have to do . . . ., now let's look for the potential in those parameters, how can those parameters meet the advantage of a creative and responsive program.
- M: I see, we can actually use the parameters as the guidelines for the learning design--umm. . .
- A: Let's think together about how we can make the best of both worlds--some guidelines and creativity/response too.
This is a script that would match advantageous coaching--coaching that seeks to empower educators and learners while also connecting the community in advantageous ways.
Wish I had thought of this a few months ago.