Friday, October 14, 2016

The Reading Meeting

This morning we'll have the reading meeting.

The meeting is run by a dedicated reading teacher who looks at reading instruction with both a holistic and targeted lens.

Since this individual began her advocacy to improve reading at our school, the scores and skills have soared. Students in our school generally enjoy reading and read often.

We also have many classroom teachers in our school who are reading specialists.

During the meeting we'll look at lots of data, discuss students' start to school, talk about programming, and create intervention groups to support students.

Over the years a positive pattern has emerged that helps us better meet the needs of students with respect to reading. It's one positive aspect of the school and system where I teach.

As the "mostly" math and STEAM teacher, my job will be to listen carefully and think about how I can support students in my small intervention group, homeroom, and math/STEAM classes with regard to reading. I look forward to the meeting.