Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Organizing and Forming Alliances

We can't do the best possible work on our own. It takes a team to move good work ahead in ways that matter.

How do you create and contribute to teams that work well in this regard?

Good structures promote this kind of effort. For example, our grade level team is able to do very good work because we have some great structures in place including the Professional Learning Community (PLC) model, RTI, grade-level meetings, a shared teaching model, and shared vehicles for communication, share, reflection, and assessment.

There are many other structures in the teaching/learning world that promote good work. Local foundations like WPSF that work together to support innovative teaching and learning are positive structures of support. Union teams and education collaboratives can also work in this regard. Essentially good structure and supports lead to quality teaching and learning.

How do you design and build these worthy structures?

How do you nurture and grow these structures so that they support best possible result?

I want to think deeply about the structures that support my work? I want to think about my role within these structures, and how I can impact these structures in ways that matter. I also want to think about structures that are less helpful and profitable with regard to our work to teach children well--which of these structures is outdated in result, but still time consuming? Which structures can be revised for better effect?

Auditing the way we use time as well as the structures and processes in place can help systems and individuals develop their work with efficiency, focus, and strength.