Thursday, May 05, 2016

Chided for Sharing Ideas

I was chided for sharing ideas today.

I write emails with ideas because I don't think a good idea should go undiscussed.

Often my emails with questions and ideas are not responded to, and if I think an idea holds great merit, I'll write the idea again. I wonder did I not receive a response because the email was lost in a sea of emails, and I don't want the idea to be forgotten.

Some will say, sit down and have a conversation, but I've noticed that doing that often results in troubling circumstances.

So, I wonder, when you have a good idea, should you share?

If your emails and ideas are ignored, what should you do?

If your idea share is characterized in unkind ways, what do you do?

I know that in the best of circumstances, people choose their words, advocacy, and idea share with thought, but without systems or protocol for inclusive share, that's difficult to do.

Tell me, what do you do with your ideas?

How do you share them with care and interest?

What channels respond well to idea share?

I want to know.