Monday, March 07, 2016

Leading Young Learners

As an educator you are a leader of young learners. What does this mean?

As I ready to embark on a week of good learning, I want to be cognizant of this role and what it means.

Meet students with first names, smiles, listening, responding to questions, and care.

We Can Meet Our Goals
Make the learning goals explicit, provide rationale, make resources accessible, and coach students forward.

Working Together Deepens Learning
Working together well helps everyone learn. What does it mean to work together well? First we need to listen to each other, talk to each other, and help each other with our questions and learning quest.

Balanced Day
The day's routine needs to be reasonable. Students need regular breaks in order to learn well.

Make Time to Reflect, Assess, Revise and Discuss the Learning Path
Stop now and then to review the learning that's happened and to discuss the learning to come.

Today I'll begin the week ahead with a focus on these points. What else would you add to the list?